We believe every occasion should be celebrated with jewels, Easter being no exception! So whether you want to don yourself in cute animals, Easter eggs, or a spiritual cross, save yourself the Easter (egg) jewellery hunt and have a look at our collection of our favourites on Pinterest.
To get you in the Easter mood, we thought you may like to know some Easter facts!
Where did the Easter bunny come from?
Tradition was to leave baskets outside for the Easter Bunny to deliver chocolate eggs. The concept of a bunny and eggs derives from the ancient tradition of rabbits being symbols of fertility.
Significance of eggs?
The significance of eggs symbolises new life, fertility and continuing life.
The Victorians had cardboard, ‘plush’ and satin covered eggs filled with Easter gifts and chocolates. The ultimate egg-shaped Easter gifts must have been the fabulous jewelled creations of Carl Fabergé made during the 19th century for the Russian Czar and Czarina, now precious museum pieces.
Chocolate Easter eggs.
Chocolate Easter eggs were first made in the early 19th century. Some early eggs were solid, as the technique for mass-producing moulded chocolate had not been devised. The production of the first hollow chocolate eggs must have been painstaking, as the moulds were lined with paste chocolate one at a time.
Where did the Easter bonnet come from?
The first bonnets were circles of leaves and flowers, symbolising the cycle of the seasons and arrival of spring. Nowadays an Easter bonnet represents the wearing of new clothes at Easter, marking a new start and the promise of spiritual renewal and redemption.
Pretzels are often eaten in Germany during lent. The twisted shape symbolises arms crossed in prayer.