7 Steps to Designing a Social Media Campaign as a Jewellery Business

7 Steps to Designing a Social Media Campaign as a Jewellery Business

Did you know that 90% of marketers say that social media is an important part of their business?

Social media is an amazing way to connect with your target audience and share content about your business and the wider jewellery industry.

I have found that, over the last few years speaking at every single International Jewellery London event, that jewellery business owners really struggle with their social media because they do not have a campaign in place, or understand what is needed to create one.

To help you further, I want to share with you seven simple steps to designing a social media campaign as a jewellery business, as well as further share with you a webinar I will be running on this topic on the 17th October.

STEP ONE: Define your target customer

The first step to building a great social media campaign in the jewellery industry is understanding your target customer, and defining this.

There are, of course, characteristics that will help you define your target customer such as age, gender, and demographics, but I want you to think much deeper, and how you can offer an experience they will fall in love with.

READ MORE: Top Advice by Warren Knight on the IJL Insider Blog 

Put yourself in your target customers’ shoes. What is their first thought when researching a jewellery product? How do they progress from there? Most importantly, what’s the final question they ask before making a purchase? To better understand this exercise, let’s analyse two hypothetical target customers: Rita and John.

Rita: Creative entrepreneur who is very visual, passionate and inquisitive. Always asking questions before purchasing and will likely find the answers to her questions via an infographic on Pinterest, or an Instagram post.

John: Analytical and methodical with an interest in facts and figures. He prefers using LinkedIn to get the answers to his questions.

STEP TWO: Define your brand’s value proposition

A value proposition is a definition around what you are promising to deliver to your customers. This will explain how your jewellery products/services will solve your target customers’ needs, the benefits around your product and exactly what makes you different from your competitor (unique selling proposition).

When creating a successful social media campaign, having your value proposition will help you build a campaign with goals and objectives that can be met by you and your team, but also be successfully measured.

STEP THREE: Find the right social networks for your business

You might think that just because this article is about designing a social media campaign that you need to be using every social network.

To really benefit from any social media campaign you want to run, it needs to be done using the social networks you are most engaging on, and the ones that your target customers will be using as a way to engage with brands online.

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Really understand the demographics around each of the main social networks and only use the ones that are relevant, and that you feel comfortable using. It’s all about mastering one social network, and moving on to the rest rather than spreading yourself too thin.

STEP FOUR: Creating content your audience will love

The content you create online needs to be specific, relevant, unique and not all about ‘you’ as a jewellery business. Every jewellery business is looking to create content that is either the ‘next best thing’ or ‘viral’. This isn’t entirely realistic and is the wrong approach to content creation. 16% of B2B marketers publish new content daily, and a further 26% publish new content multiple times a week. This can be draining (I know first hand, as I share unique content twice a week via my blog) and sometimes… ideas are few and far between.

It takes a lot of time and effort to come up with content that engages with an audience but it’s just as important to feel confident in your content otherwise the effectiveness of what you share, will decrease as your audience will know you’re not supporting your own work.

Here are four ways you can find out what your audience wants to see from you for your social media campaign…

  1. Create a questionnaire

This is something I do with my audience when I need their feedback and it allows you to get true and honest answers. Make sure you know what you want to achieve with your questionnaire and position the questions to reflect this.

  1. Talk To Friends, Colleagues & Family

One of the best ways to get the creative juices flowing is to speak to the people closest to you.

  1. Speak To Your Target Audience

Now you know WHO your target audience is and WHERE they hang out, get engaged in a two-way conversation and FIND OUT the kind of content they want to read/watch through running a Twitter Poll, or asking for feedback.

As soon as you have found out the type of content your audience wants from you, use a tool called Feedly to research your industry, and bring together hundreds of great pieces of content that you can share, and get inspiration from when it comes to creating your own content.

STEP FIVE: Designing images and videos for your social media campaign

What type of images and videos are you creating to encourage engagement within your community?

It’s true that when people hear information, they are likely to only remember around 10% of this 72 hours later. If an image is paired with this information, people retain 65% more information in the same amount of time. Are you doing everything you can to make sure your audience are remembering your business?

I would suggest using a variation of video’s, infographics, slideshows and basic visuals. All of these can be created using a great free tool called canva.

STEP SIX: Understanding the best ways to engage with your audience 

Social media is more than just pushing out your own content. For people to see you as a thought leader in the jewellery and someone who can be trusted, you need to engage in a two way conversation.

What are you doing online that increases engagement with your audience?

Having a two-way conversation online and encouraging engagement will build trust. The more open you are, and the more you use Social Media as a customer service outlet, the most likely your audience will feel safe, and be one step closer to purchasing from your jewellery business.

It takes eight times for a potential customer to ‘touch’ your business before they buy. With this in mind, what are you doing to shorten this process? That’s why social media is SO important because it shortens the buying process, and turns a potential customer into a paying customer that much quicker.

STEP SEVEN: Put your campaign into action

And now, it’s time to put your campaign into action. To really understand how best to do this and save time through automation, I have a very special webinar I would love for you to attend.

How You’ll Benefit

  • Learn my winning formula to creating a Social Media campaign that works
  • Understand why being “niche” market focused wins business
  • Defining your brand value proposition
  • Learn what makes the perfect landing page copy
  • What 67% of your potential customer are thinking about
  • How ONE action can increase lead generation by 200%
  • Define your tone of voice
  • Create engaging visuals for your campaign
  • How to automate your campaign content
  • Set goals, objectives and measure success

The webinar will take place on the 17th October, at 7pm and you can secure your place here.

Warren Knight is a Social Media Strategist, author of Think #Digital First and one of the UK’s leading professional speakers in Technology, Sales and Marketing. As an multi-award winning coach, author, blogger and entrepreneur, Warren has helped thousands of companies grow their business through the strategic use of socially selling to their target audience. By nurturing leads, generating leads and increasing sales using simple and easy to follow strategies. Visit Warren's website here www.warrenknight.co.uk.

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