This year the Institute of Professional Goldsmiths (IPG) was awarded a grant of £9,900 from the Goldsmiths’ Centre to collaborate and deliver a pilot mentoring scheme targeting eight recent graduates and final year students from precious metal related courses. Four award-winning IPG members, diamond setter Niall Paisley FIPG, designer of jewellery and objet d’art Jennifer Bloy FRSA FIPG, jeweller Russell Lownsbrough FIPG and silversmith Ray Walton FIPG, were paired with the emerging makers to help them make the first steps to establish successful careers.

Graduate silversmiths Danniella Wilde, Anna Peake, Will Romeril, Abigail Marsh and Jayne Rimington; as well as jewellery designer makers Hannah Viner and Louisa Warren were given time and advice by each of their experienced mentors, helping them to enhance their skills and expand their knowledge. Over the eight months they gained confidence and deepened their understanding of useful technical skills as well as organisations, networks, resources and specialist suppliers. In August 2019, the mentorship programme culminated with a celebration event at the Goldsmiths’ Centre, which brought together all participants and allowed them to showcase their work and discuss their new skills gained during the programme.

Silversmith Abigail Marsh commented: “I feel this has been an amazing experience and opportunity for me. The practical side has allowed me to learn new techniques and I have been given the opportunity to learn as there are no courses on these. The conversational side has given me a massive insight into where to look for help and guidance and groups to join that I never knew about. I think learning from a person in the industry gives you first hand advice and is something that no one else can teach you.”

“Mentoring is a lifelong and life changing project for the mentee. The Institute of Professional Goldsmiths (IPG) is proud to have supported emerging makers transitioning from university into creative careers through our pilot mentoring scheme”, Russell Lownsbrough FIPG, Chairman of the Institute of Professional Goldsmiths explains: “All our mentees have gone on to achieve great things this year from receiving a first class honour degree, winning prestigious awards, being selected for selling events or creating new collections.”
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